is a conductor with a Doctorate of Musical Arts in conducting with a minor in music history from the University of Connecticut, a Master of Music in choral conducting with a minor in vocal performance from Westminster Choir College, and Bachelor of Music in music education—choral/general with a minor in Medieval Studies from the University of Delaware. She also holds certification as a Tai Chi practice leader.
Amelia was an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Music at Western New England University, where she conducts three choirs, and teaches a cross-disciplinary course on music psychology called The Music-Making Mind. That course examines the influence of music on the self through experience as well as the study of philosophy and science.
She has also been recognized as a “top contributor” at Medium under the “feminism” tag. She regularly presents educational sessions discussing application of communications science and psychological research – especially mindfulness training – for audiences of other professional musicians including “Beyond Burnout Prevention: Embodied Wellness for Conductors."
A woman working in the most male-dominated field of classical music, she has had to learn to draw connections between sameness and difference, Self and Other, to create a sense of simultaneous individuality and oneness among all humanity in her work, her art, and her daily life.
Amelia’s blog can be found at